Systemic Therapy for Metastatic Disease
ER+ relapse on AI — Endocrine choice?
Premenopausal patient with relapse on tamoxifen — Endocrine choice?
HER2-negative MBC — Chemo? Bevacizumab?
HER2-negative MBC — Chemo? Bevacizumab?
HER2-negative MBC — Chemo? Bevacizumab?
HER2-negative MBC — Chemo? Bevacizumab?
HER2-negative MBC — Chemo? Bevacizumab?
HER2-negative MBC — Chemo? Bevacizumab?
AVADO trial: A Phase III randomized study of docetaxel with bevacizumab or placebo as first-line therapy for patients with locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer
AVADO trial: A Phase III randomized study of docetaxel with bevacizumab or placebo as first-line therapy for patients with locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer
HER2-negative MBC with response to chemo/bev but chemo stopped from toxicity — Continuation of bev alone?
Proposed randomized trial of chemotherapy/ bevacizumab as first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer
HER2-negative MBC with response to chemo/bev then progression — Continuation of bev with other chemo?
HER2-negative MBC with response to chemo/bev then progression — Continuation of bev with other chemo?
HER2+ MBC (no prior Rx) — Anti-HER2 agent?
HER2+ MBC (no prior Rx) — Anti-HER2 agent?
HER2+ MBC (prior adjuvant trastuzumab) — Choice of anti-HER2 agent
HER2+ MBC (prior adjuvant trastuzumab) — Choice of anti-HER2 agent
HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with progression on trastuzumab — Anti-HER2 agent?
HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with progression on trastuzumab — Anti-HER2 agent? ER+, HER2+ asymptomatic MBC — Systemic therapy?